Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Philip K. Dick

I love Philip K. Dick. Hes a perfect blend of humor and just plain out there sci fi. He also has some really awesome covers.



Monday, October 12, 2009

Nabokov fans Venus Febriculosa recently held a Lolita cover design contest. They received 154 entries from 34 countries. Some of them were great some not so great. Alot of cliched stock photos of girls sucking lollipops and underwear. Im not crazy about what the judges (John Gall being among them) picked as the winners so here are some of my favorites. For some reason I really liked the illustrative ones.



Friday, October 9, 2009

Went to a RAD lecture last night at UMBC for Post Typography a design firm out of Baltimore. They showed alot of their poster work they have done over the years. Really cool stuff. They are also coming out with a book focusing on typography.




I also bought a really sick Dan Deacon poster. I still havent figured out who everyone is yet but im working on it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Really excited to read Margaret Atwood's new book The Year of the Flood the sequel to one of my favorite post apocalyptic genered books Oryx and Crake.

Looks like in an effort to make this look like a sequal they have gone back and given Oryx and Crake a face lift to match

Im really wondering if they are trying to gear these books toward the young adult section. They are both pretty striking in a photoshoppy collagey kind of way but I feel like I have seen that so many times before that they just dont stand out nearly as much as the previous covers did. The older versions just have more of an ambiguous look to them. I love the font used on the hard cover so quirky and perfect. Here are the previous hard covers and paper back verisons

Looove the UK version I think its the clear winner here. How can you not love the Adam and Eve with guns imagery

welcome to my new book design blog. I know there are alot of these floating around out there but I just felt I needed one of my own too (free country and all that). Sooooo lets just jump right into it...